Friday, September 12, 2008

Whew! What a week...

Wow, what a week this has been and I'm wore "slap out"! It started out busy at work as I had a meeting the the Attorney General's office to show them a video that I'm working on for them and get the changes made that they wanted so I did that and then had to get it ready to send them with the changes. I had a video to get ready for our Agency from an employee picnic that we had back in June that they were going to show at a company wide Ice Cream Social on Friday and then I had to get ready and go to a 2 day video shoot at our civic center for a Medicaid Conference on the Uninsured where I shot 2 days worth of video and learned a lot about this ongoing struggle for our state (and all other states as well). I'm so wore out that I came straight home (and didn't even run to the gas station in the "panic" of not being able to get gas due to the Hurricane shutting down pumps where people here were waiting in line for hours and stations were running out of gas...)and basically fell asleep on the couch! My sweet hubby woke me up long enough to eat a sub that he went and picked up for us and then I fell back to sleep! It's 12:45 a.m. now and I woke up about an hour ago to map out my garage sales for tomorrow and now I'm off to bed as there's some awesome estate sales advertised for, I'm off to bed now to get ready for a day of treasure hunting tomorrow morning....stay tuned!

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