Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ouch! How much does a donkey bite hurt?! High Cotton Trip Part 4

Okay, so, we get "sweet" Maggie into her new temporary pen that T.'s dad built for her and everything seems to be going pretty well. It started to rain a little on us so after everyone got her settled we had all went into the house to eat some home made chili and visit and get the food ready for tomorrow.
(Pay attention - you see C. above showing me Maggie's chops - in a little while you'll see just what those chops can do...especially to human flesh!)

Then, T. went outside (to partake in a little bad habit...LOL) and we hear her calling for us to "help", "help" really loud! We all go running outside and see where poor Maggie had apparently tried to jump the fence in her new pen and she got her leg caught! It was pretty scary and L.. had to run to get the fence cutters while T & C tried to calm Maggie down until they could get her loose!
Then, as I supervise from the porch (yep, I'm lame like that as I know nothing about about tending to injured donkeys...) I hear

"HELP ME, HELP ME" as sweet C. yells for help! No, that's not her stuck in the bale of hay (but I did see this along the route when I was out shopping on Saturday) but it should have been! You see, that "sweet Maggie" had chomped down onto her forearm while they were trying to get her loose from the fence!

The following picture is a shot of what C's arm looked like immediately following the donkey bite: (p.s. Another reason why I told them that I never wanted a donkey or a jackass as a present...LOL)

OUCH! Doctor Doolittle is one tough chick! I couldn't believe that this didn't break the skin as all I could picture was that we were fixing to have to find an emergency room and try and explain how she got bit by a donkey....LOL! Whew, after all this excitement, we've got to go in the house and get ready for our big day tomorrow. Never a dull day with Thelma & Louise....!

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