Tuesday, November 4, 2008

God Bless America & Our Freedom to Vote!

Well, I wasn't sure just exactly how long I'd have to wait to go and place my vote on November 4th, Election Day, (today); so I chose to go to early voting this past Saturday, and, as you can see, I had to wait in line for about an hour and a half. It was a beautiful day and there were really nice people in line by me, so we chatted and enjoyed our day while we waited to vote. Waited in line in a country that gives us the freedom to do as we please, freedom to choose who we want to vote for, freedom to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, (like being of sound mind and body where we could stand in line and wait to vote), free to voice our opinions on who we want to run our country and free to vote for a change as God knows our country needs it. So, I am thankful to be an American, thankful to be in good health where I can go and stand in line and wait to vote, thankful, that as a woman, I don't have to hide my face and hands and body when I go out in public, thankful that I can voice my opinion about what is important to me and thankful that I do feel that we still have hope. I was glad to go and place my early vote and I hope that you all voted today as well. God Bless America and God Bless the future leader of our country and I hope he truly can change this country as we are absolutely ready!

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